Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cat's give tail signals

          Have you ever wondered what your cat is feeling?

 A cat shows their emotions through a simple motion of their tale. Just as we can show our feelings through our body language, cats do the same with their tail.

1.) If your cat is holding its tail straight up and curling it slightly, it means it is in a friendly mood or really happy to see you. When a tail is straight up but quivering, your cat is showing its love.

2.) When their tail is straight up and fully bristled, it is angry and is telling you to "Watch Out." It is done when they are frightened, very irritated or when something catches them by surprise. …It bushes it’s tail out to appear larger than it really is.

3.) When your cat's tail is swishing violently back and forth, sometimes called a Sword Tail, it is your indicator that they are agitated or anxious.

4.) If your cat's tail is lowered but the tip is curved upward, also known as the Tip-Off, it could mean that it is very nervous or unsure about its surroundings

5.) When your cat is swishing its tail back and forth rapidly and forcefully, your cat is not in the mood to play.

6.) However, the opposite is true if the movement is gentle. A swishing motion is often an indication that something has caught your cat's attention. It could be thinking about pouncing on a toy or climbing a tree.

7.) A cat curled up with its tail tucked all around it, shows that it is content.
Wrapping their tail around them also allows them to keep their feet warm and protected.

8.) If the tip of the tail is sharply moving from side to side in a tick tock motion it is a very good sign that your cat is very irritated and that it wants to be left alone.

9.) If your cat is against something with its tail straight up and quivering it could mean that it is marking its territory . This type of tail movement is an indication that it is spraying. If you catch your cat backing up to an object, get its attention quickly and take it to a littler box.

10.) If you have a cat without a tail, listen to its meow, purring, or watch how it is arching its back. It will show you what it is trying to tell you without its tail.

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